Flipping Phantom Places 5th in Enjoyment in Scream Jam 2023!

I am absolutely flabbergasted and overjoyed to find that Flipping Phantom has placed 5th in Enjoyment in Scream Jam 2023!

I thought I had come up with an interesting mechanic, but I am truly surprised it resonated with so many people and placed so highly in a jam with nearly 500 submissions.

This news has reinvigorated my drive to continue working on the game, and I have ambitious plans for the future.

In the short term, I plan to release a small update with a few more levels within the next day to ride this momentum. But in the long term, I plan to reimplement and future proof a few systems and add a more expandable level system with collectibles and leader boards.

Thanks so much for playing!



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Oct 24, 2023

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